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Achieve Your Desired Results for PSLE Paper 2

Our proprietary Raffles Framework empowers every student with the necessary skills to tackle their high-stakes examinations.


The Raffles Edulab Framework

The Raffles Framework uses a three-pronged framework to build students’ confidence in and mastery of the language.

This is facilitated by our unique approach to teaching which utilises banding, non-rote learning, and exam-oriented preparation.

Common Problems Faced By Different Ability Students


Low to Middle-ability Students

Low to middle-ability students face difficulties with more fundamental aspects of the language.

These include areas such as grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure and can cause them to be heavily penalised across Paper 2 sections.


Misspelling of common words: curiosity/ perseverance/ separate/ necessary

  • Tenses:

    She studied at a renowned university and began her practical training in Germany.

  • Word Forms:

    Students may be unable to confidently switch between the noun, verb, adjective and adverb forms of a root word OR identify the correct word form that should follow.


    Sarah’s dedication (dedicate) to her work was recognised by her superior.

  • Subject-verb agreement:


    There are many outstanding scientists but few have achieved his level of success.

The past tense of some verbs do not end predictably with ‘-ed’.


Brought (bring), found (find)

The simple past tense of some verbs also take the same form as the root verb. Students may mistakenly end such words with ‘-ed’.


put (put), hit (hit)

Past participles are preceded by the words ‘has’, ‘have’ or ‘had’.
The past participles of irregular verbs can pose difficulties for students, since they do not follow a fixed pattern.


preferred (prefer), done (do)


Middle to High-ability Students

Middle to high-ability students have minimal lapses in grammar and spelling and are competent in tackling fundamental level questions.

However, they may lose marks in sections which test advanced vocabulary, close reading, inferential skills, and overall comprehension ability. Lessons will focus on vocabulary expansion and higher-order skills in order to maximise their overall score.

A phrasal verb consists of a verb paired with a preposition. By changing the preposition, the overall meaning of the phrase changes.

There was a concerted effort amongst various organisations to stamp out the disease.

(Students may not be familiar with the phrasal verb ‘stamp out’ and the corresponding meaning of to get rid of or eradicate.)

Collocations are groups of words which commonly appear together.


He was fined heavily for evading taxes.

While evading means escaping or avoiding, these answers are not accepted because the word pair is a collocation.

As an only child, she was used to solitude. She did not mind being in her own company.

Students have to identify a word that accurately paraphrases the meaning of the second sentence.

As the sun moved across the cloudless sky, Jacob scrutinised the shortening and lengthening shadows on the ground.


Question: What method did Jacob use to tell the time?

Answer: He used the position of the sun in the sky.

The answers to inferential questions are not explicitly stated in the text. Instead, students need to source for clues and make an informed guess of the answer. Without identifying that this question is inferential, students may lose marks because of copying.

How Our Framework Helps
with Common Problems Faced

Stage 1: Banded Concept Teaching

In the first stage of our proprietary framework, students are taught the skills or step-by-step methods to tackle one section of the English paper according to their ability levels.


Examinable concepts are broken

down into digestible chunks


Each lesson focuses on one Paper 2 section


Teaching is differentiated according

to student ability


Students hone in on their

specific weaknesses


Lessons are pitched at a level

that maximises the child's learning

How will Banded Teaching
Benefit My Child?

Asian students while studying
  • Candidates, in particular lower to middle-ability students, can struggle with Paper 2 because of the level of precision required across all paper sections.
  • English as a language has many idiosyncrasies. Certain patterns or rules cannot be consistently applied across words and phrases. This can confound students who do not have a strong language foundation.
  • While certain sections do not explicitly test grammar or spelling, candidates are still expected to maintain accuracy of language. For this reason, lower to middle-ability students can lose marks heavily in sections such as editing, comprehension close, synthesis and transformation and comprehension.


    Synthesis and Transformation

    Q: The farmer has milked all the cows.

    A: All the cows have been milked by the farmer.

    In this example, students must be able to identify that the question implicitly tests their understanding of subject-verb agreement. They should preserve the tense in the question and also identify that ‘cows’ is a plural subject. Without a solid language foundation, they may blindly copy the word ‘has’.

  • Given the importance of answering precision and accuracy in Paper 2, banding aims to help low to middle-ability students grab low-hanging fruits in the paper to improve their overall score.



  • Through thorough explanation, a systematic step by step approach and curated difficulty level, we help candidates gain clarity on how to minimise loss of marks before attempting more advanced questions.
  • On the other hand, the aim for middle to high-ability students is to broaden the range of questions they are exposed to. They will be taught questions pitched at the level of top schools in Singapore.

Stage 2: Non-Rote Learning through Simulated Exercises​

Non-Rote Learning

Like any other subject, adequate preparation is necessary to achieve success in Paper 2. The myriad of components in this paper can make it difficult to pinpoint what needs to be done to pull up your child’s score.
Through differentiated teaching and step-by-step instruction, we simplify the process of preparation so your child can achieve clarity and maximise his/her success.


Students are taught step by step how to tackle a particular section

Exercises are structured according to the skills taught

Students attempt questions with curated difficulty level

Depending on student ability, assistance may be given at the teacher’s discretion

Students who are ready will work independently or attempt challenging questions

Application of skills and consistent targeted practice is encouraged

Progressive Loading

Building Confidence Through Structured Practice

  • Students may be ill-equipped to handle full papers with insufficient guidance and practice.

  • Structured exercises allow students to put into practice the concepts and techniques they have been taught without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Our systematic approach helps students to achieve clarity and is aimed at building confidence in the subject.

Stage 3: Application and Exam-Oriented Preparation

Finally, students attempt mock practices and drills to apply skills taught.

  • Builds confidence to attempt questions independently without dedicated guidance

  • Hones recall, question analysis, adaptation and other exam skills

  • Trains students to work under pressure and within timed durations

  • Simulates examination conditions adequately so students are well prepared

Why Tuition and Not Enrichment?

The demands of the curriculum means that there is little time within the confines of each lesson to cultivate a broader appreciation of the English language. Instead, we maximise the time your child spends with us to achieve exam readiness.

Did You Know?

Paper 2 totals 95 marks and makes up nearly 50% of your child’s overall English score. It is the most heavily weighted component of the PSLE English Paper.


Skills Needed to Succeed in PSLE Paper 2

Every lesson is thoughtfully planned to maximise the time that your child spends with us. 

Through his/her time with us, your child will learn how to:

  • Tackle commonly tested question types in the PSLE
  • Work on his/her learning gaps
  • Strategies to minimise loss of marks
  • Improve higher-order skills such as inference and ability to source for clues
  • Work effectively under timed conditions.

Raffles Programmes have an exam-oriented focus and are ultimately aimed at preparing students for the demands of high-stakes examinations.

Raffles Programmes have an exam-oriented focus and are ultimately aimed at preparing students for the demands of high-stakes examinations.

Programme Details

Level: P5/P6

Course Contents: PSLE Papers 2 and 4

Duration: 2 hours per lesson

Fees per Lesson $70

Fees per Cycle 4* $70 = $280

Promo Price for P5/P6 $224

What Your Child Gets

by Signing Up with Raffles Edulab

– Dedicated use of study area

– Complimentary access to snack bar

– Raffles starter pack (file and foolscap pad)

– Limited-time offer of 10% off course fees 

Still not sure? Read these articles!

We Are Here for All Your Questions

We specialise in preparation for the PSLE and GCE ‘O’ Level English paper and cater to students from levels Primary 5 to Secondary 4.

Lessons are capped at a maximum of 8 students for a healthy student-teacher ratio and so that every child enjoys individualised attention.

Your child will be placed into a class best suited for his/her ability level.

Our materials align closely with the MOE schools-based curriculum and are adapted from past-year PSLE and school examination questions.

We do not offer online classes at the moment. We believe that every child benefits from interacting with his/her peers in a purely on-site classroom environment.

Yes, you may wish to sign up for a one-month paid trial before deciding whether or not to commit to the Raffles programme.

We provide free consultations with our experienced team to help you understand your child’s learning needs and goals.

Our writing classes are skills-focused and designed to prepare your child adequately for your child’s graduating milestone exam.

Every lesson has a specific writing focus and dedicated time is set aside weekly for your child to practise the technique taught.

We try not to spoon feed your child model essays from the get-go. Instead, independent writing and application of skills is emphasised first. That being said, supervised guidance is available every step of the way. Depending on your child’s readiness, assistance will be provided at the teacher’s discretion.

Your child will sit for a placement test to help us place him/her in a class best suited for his/her ability level.

Course fees are strictly non-refundable. He/she may wish to attend a replacement class subject to class or teacher availability.

Still Have Questions?

Enquire About Our Programmes

400 Balestier Rd, #02-17 Balestier Plaza, Singapore 329802